Learning is a journey for most children, and while Christmas can provide a welcome break, it’s also important to ensure that it doesn’t put a dent in any progress.

This is especially the case if your child is preparing for mock exams in the New Year, as time away from the classroom could impact on their momentum.

Good habits can easily be lost as quickly as they were formed, as can basic skills, which is why you should put an emphasis on keeping them learning.

Of course your child should look forward to the festivities too, and there’s a balance to be found between learning and having fun.

What skills should your child focus on?

There are plenty of ways to keep your child on track and to stimulate their thinking over the Christmas break, including putting an emphasis on key skills such as reading and writing.

In many instances it’s possible to incorporate these skills into fun activities such as Christmas lists and gift tags, especially if you can encourage your child to be creative with what they write.

Reading can help your child to stay mentally active over the festive break too, as a little encouragement to try out new texts can further develop their comprehension.

As a parent, the holiday is also a good opportunity to encourage your child to be more self-aware, and to think about their strengths and weaknesses.

Not only are they likely to make more conscious decisions as a result, but enhanced self-awareness can also have a knock-on positive impact on their wellbeing.

Why is reflection important?

The Christmas break also represents an opportunity for your child to look back over the work they’ve done in the year so far.

This helps to keep subject matter fresh in their minds – especially if exams are looming – while it also gives your child a chance to identify potential areas of weakness.

Ultimately this might highlight areas where a tutor could provide assistance – from creating tailored lesson plans to focusing on specific topics or parts of the curriculum.

In addition, a tutor may also be able to identify other areas for development, giving your child a greater platform to make a success of their time in education.

As much as the festive season should be packed with fun and goodwill, it’s also a valuable opportunity to boost their development!