It is fair to say that over the past year, life as we have previously known it hasn’t been normal for anyone.

The onslaught of COVID-19, and the repeated opening and closing of schools will have placed learning gaps to varying degrees on all children.

Although the majority of children are now back, there is still uncertainty about the ongoing pandemic on a local level and whether or not there will be a further school closures in the future.

It’s hard to know the precise impact  the pandemic will have on the progress of children’s education, as those who are generally motivated learners may be able to catch up by themselves, whilst others may need additional support through an online 1:1 tutor, or small group classes.

The role of a tutor will be to quickly ascertain the extent of any learning gaps and help enhance your child’s attainment through catch-up tuition sessions.

Through the use of technology, learning can continue as usual, in the safety and comfort of your own home.

Not only can tuition help children’s learning needs, an online tutor can also help take away the pressure from parents who may be struggling with work or their own mental health issues.

A tutor can provide an excellent learning environment with the right resources, leaving both parents and children feeling more supported.

A more tailored, bespoke 1:1 approach can help a child progress exponentially.  

Plus having the flexibility to learn from multiple locations through online sessions means tuition can continue should your child be in their care bubble, such as with their grandparents.

Additionally, a 1:1 session with an online tutor will be delivered at your child’s own pace, helping to relieve their own stress and anxiety levels which may be raised by the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic.

To explore the wide range of fully qualified teachers available for catch-up tuition support, please search here and start accelerating learning today.