Making the move from primary to secondary school is a major hurdle in your child’s education and it can be a daunting time that causes stress and anxiety.

To help reduce these concerns it’s important to prepare for the transition, and there’s a lot you can do as a parent to help.

You may also be able to rely on further support from a tutor if your child needs it, as they can run sessions to tackle specific issues and worries around moving schools.

Why communication is so important

The move between schools can be a cause of anxiety, so you should talk to your child to be aware of what is worrying them.

This way you have ample opportunity to find approaches to help and to prepare them for what they will face.

Talk through what they may be looking forward to and take the opportunity to reflect on what they’ve enjoyed from their time in primary school too, as this can have a calming influence.

How you can reassure your child?

Anxiety and worrying about the unknown is not uncommon, so it’s important to act as a source of reassurance if your child has any questions.

There are many positive elements associated with starting secondary school, from the chance to meet new people and make new friends to having more independence and responsibility, and you can play a key role in helping your child to recognise this.

In addition, your child will also meet new teachers and face fresh teaching styles, and again you can help to reassure them that it shouldn’t be something they need to worry about.

Why you can benefit by planning ahead

Planning ahead for the new academic year can also help to reduce stress, both for you and your child, while also preventing the need for a mad last-minute rush to grab the essentials.

From stationery and school bags to new uniforms and sports kits, picking it up with weeks to spare can help to make the transition easier.

Having a uniform and equipment checklist can ensure you and your young ones have all they need for their first day in new surroundings.

What route will your child take to school?

The move to secondary school will mean your child needs to organise themselves and often they’ll make their own way to school.

They’ll need to be confident of the route they need to take, so you may wish to walk or cycle it several times over the summer so they get used to it.

Alternatively, if they’ll need to catch a school bus, they’ll need to know what time to be ready and where to get it from.

These steps can help to reduce your child’s anxiety and make the transition into secondary school an easier process.

What to do if your child still needs assistance

It’s not uncommon for children to suffer from anxiety and an array of other mental health issues, but a wide set of support is available.

You could turn to a tutor for help, as they can tailor sessions to help build your child’s confidence and carry out tasks designed to reduce their nervousness and reassure them.

By providing an opportunity to tackle their worries, you should leave your child in the best possible position to make a smooth switch into a new school environment.